
Tuning fork test different results hand foot
Tuning fork test different results hand foot

after working with the legs, I was able to remove afo from right leg but left leg is as i described. i couldnt lift my arm until he worked on it for months and now at least I can write somewhat. he uses cold laser after heating muscles and then manipulates legs and my arm and hand. then sent to bethel health care: a real hell hole of a sub acute care faciliity. Sharon: i had rehab and pt in danbury hospital to start. I am curious to know how/if pt helps you no one has suggested it for me, nor does it make sense from a logical standpoint i.e., muscles aren’t going to work no matter what you do, if there is nerve blockage.

tuning fork test different results hand foot

CIDP is considered the chronic form of GBS. I have been dxed with CIDP (2 years of gradual progression) and wonder if that is what you have as well, rather than GBS. From calves on up I seem to have little/no sensory issues, though left leg below knee is atrophied and right leg is going in that direction. I can flex my right ankle somewhat left is immobile.

#Tuning fork test different results hand foot full#

Also, I have full sensation on backs of legs, but not front up to mid-shin bone. Sadie, I have similar sensory patterns - sensation on inside of ankles, but outside fairly numb and then pretty dead in feet and toes, though there are spots where there is some feeling. keep going to pt and lets all hope for the best with our effected limbs!

tuning fork test different results hand foot

hold on literally! dont fall b/c then there is a whole new set of problems. got sick in july 09 and out of hospital oct 09. balance very off b/c cant feel ground with foot, ankle doesnt flex….all due to gbs. oddly enough, i have some feeling on inside of leg from thigh to ankle, but not outside of leg or ankle or toes. Yes, my new neuro used the tuning fork on ankle and there is no response.

Tuning fork test different results hand foot